In the introductory section MMC is described “as a programme
of radical change to drive up the quality of care for patients through reform
and improvement in postgraduate medical education and training”. This is plain wrong, MMC was an underhand
attempt to introduce the sub-consultant grade by avoiding proper contract
negotiations with the BMA. The review’s
distortion of the reality of MMC is either down to ignorance, or something
rather more sinister. The cherry picking
of themes from the Tooke and Collins reviews is also unfair and not
representative of these reviews’ recommendations. At this stage it is worth repeating the Shape
of Training review’s proposed purpose:
“The purpose of the
Review is to ensure that doctors receive high-quality education and training
that support high-quality patient care and improved outcomes.”
One would therefore imagine that their evidence review
should look for evidence which can prove any changes they propose have proven
benefits in terms of outcome. Let us see
if they can support their claimed purpose with evidence. Interestingly a false dichotomy is proposed
very early on:
“Theme 2 - Workforce
needs: Specialists or generalists”
This is a false dichotomy and a demonstrative of a massively
over simplistic attitude, one size certainly does not fit all. Hence by proposing this false choice from the
start, it is obvious the review intends to try to push us down one avenue, but
why? The lack of any decent definition
of a ‘generalist’ is strange, surely this needs defining from the start? There is also a lot of talk of
‘credentialing’ but a hard definition of what this word means is lacking,
almost as if the review intends to use it as a flexible tool with which they
can use however they wish at a later date.
Now to the evidence section, the start is fine, it is made clear
that much evidence is anecdotal and that many previous reviews of training have
been non-systematic. Sadly things then
start to go downhill when the discussion of ‘generalism’ and ‘integration’ is
largely based on the work of ‘think tanks’ and some other rather potentially
biased sources. There is also a complete
failure to define what ‘generalism’ and ‘integration’ mean, laying foundations
of sand from the very beginning.
Sadly despite making the reader aware of the lack of decent
evidence available, the review then goes about reviewing the literature and
non-peer reviewed work of various think tanks using some rather vague search
terms a thoroughly non-systematic methodology, one that is so open to bias it
is not true. Amazingly the review of
evidence cites the GMC’s Good Medical Practice, hardly a robust and objective
source of evidence. So in conclusion the
‘evidence’ on generalism and integration has been cherry picked from a wide
variety of frequently non-peer reviewed sources and sources that are open to
significant political bias such as think tanks.
The first major question asked was:
“What evidence is
there for the effectiveness of UK postgraduate medical education? What factors
impact on the quality of postgraduate medical education in the UK?”
The search strategy was systematic, the problem with this is
that this is entirely pointless if the evidence is not analysed in a systematic
fashion, which it isn't, it is analysed in a fashion that resembles cherry picking. Strangely the review then proceeds to
describe some cherry picked qualitative studies relating to the impact of EWTD
and MMC. Numerous other questions are
posed and not answered, often because the evidence just isn't there. It is therefore particular strange to see
this lack of evidence summed up in such a skewed and positive fashion:
“The research and
discursive literature on post-MMC postgraduate medical education presents a
mixed, albeit mainly positive, picture. Concerns have been raised in the major
reviews, surveys and smaller research studies about the impact of system
demands and working regulations on the training opportunities available to
trainees. These concerns come primarily from trainers who compare their
personal experience of a previous system of training with medical education as
it is now. There is little objective evidence to suggest that training
opportunities and experiences are diminishing.”
I find this summary astonishing, there is a clear element of
propaganda here, the attempt to spin MMC positively is being repeated and there
is a hint of denial when it comes to acknowledging the obvious, MMC and EWTD
have hit experience levels and have impacted on training and patients. It is contradictory that it deems on one hand
that ‘there is little objective evidence that training opportunities and
experiences are diminishing’ but on the other hand it deems the literature on
post-MMC medical education is ‘mainly positive’ despite the lack of objective
evidence to back this assertion up.
The reliance on GMC documents in the next section is
interesting; there are repeated references to the GMC’s work in relation to the
needs of patients/training and service needs.
It is interesting that the author of this ‘review’ has worked closely
with the GMC on several projects and has not published on medical education at
all from what I can see. She is also
rather obviously not a doctor, rather a large problem in terms of understanding
the evidence concerning training doctors.
The second section concludes by
again saying the evidence is not great:
“Whilst much has been
written about the state of medical education in its current iteration, the
evidence regarding whether it meets service, workforce, patient and individual
doctors’ needs could be stronger. Much of the work that has been done has been
opinion-based surveys. There is a danger
though, in using opinion as a proxy for hard evidence, particularly when
current views may not have past counterparts against which comparisons can be
The third section of the review aimed to compare the UK’s
training systems to those of other countries, unsurprisingly this section
“An evidence review of
this size could not realistically absorb all of the published literature on
PGME….This evidence review did not find any themes in the debates or
developments that are underway elsewhere that are not yet taken account of in
the Review.”
Bizarrely the review’s third section asked “What do key opinion formers and
stakeholders consider to be the future of medicine - pressures, opportunities
and developments?” This is a very
strange question to ask and a strange group of people from whom to gather
‘evidence’ (opinion really). If the
Shape of Training review was just about improving training for the best quality
patient care, then why are the views of stakeholders of any relevance in terms
of evidence? They are not of relevance;
this should be about evidence, not about what stakeholders want as a result of
their various vested interests. The
opinion in this section was largely gathered from the King’s Fund, the Centre
for Workforce ‘Intelligence’ (my commas) and the RCGP. There is a very brief mention for the BMA,
but it is very brief indeed.
Unsurprisingly the conclusions of this section read much like a piece of
think tank dogma “Regarding service demand, the shift in locus from hospital to
community and the move to integrated care will impact on medical career
options” and in this way stilted opinion has been transformed into evidence.
The final question is “4:
Does current UK postgraduate training give doctors the knowledge, skills and
experience to meet future need for patient involvement in their care and
treatment?”. Again the search
strategy seems open to bias and cherry picking.
The question appears deliberately vague and non-specific, almost as if
it has been designed to generate no solid evidence based answer:
“No papers looked
specifically at whether current postgraduate medical education prepares doctors
for working with patients and the public in such a way as current trends
A strange comment, especially given that the term ‘way as
current trends dictate’ has not been defined by the author. How could the author even hope to define the
‘way current trends dictate’, this is a massively subjective judgement that is
open to huge amounts of bias. There is
much discussion of generalism, but very little mention of how vague and
subjective ‘generalism’ is as a term.
Again the conclusions are rather wishy washy and the lack of evidence is
mentioned “There is a lack of research in this area, in terms of the impact of
changes on the medical workforce, medical education and whole person approaches
on patient outcomes and service quality.”
The integration section then reads much like a think tank
review “calls for increased integration at all levels and in all areas of
health and social care have come from influential bodies”, rather than
summarising who has called for the rather nebulous concept of ‘integration’,
perhaps the author would have been better to actually define ‘integration’ and
see if there is any good evidence that integration as defined is of any benefit
to anyone? As the foundations have not
been adequately prepared, this integration section reads like a biased piece of
political propaganda, not like ‘evidence’: “An acknowledgement of integration
as the direction of travel for UK health and social care is vital to the
decisions made in the Review.” Rather
than assessing if there is solid evidence of a benefit of integration to
medical training or patient care, the review just accepts that this is the way
politicians want to go and doesn't question the dogma.
In terms of consultation the review “asked 19 open-ended
questions and allowed for free-form responses” and received less than 400
responses, including both organisations and individuals. Of note less than a hundred consultants and
doctors in training responded in total, hardly an impressive return. The consultation questions were designed and
analysed in a qualitative fashion, almost as if any objective quantitative
analysis of opinion had to be avoided. Strangely
the consultation summary frequently attempts to summarise opinion but
consistently fails to provide any objective quantitative data to firmly back up
these assertions. Some of the questions
were rather leaning in how they were asked, almost as if they were looking for
a certain response. The lack of
definition of key terms such as a ‘generalist’ was mentioned but not adequately
addressed, strange given how much the review goes on to use this and other such
poorly defined vague terms.
Interestingly this element of the consultation response “most individuals and organisations argued that generalists
would require a longer training period or reconstruction of training to capture
the breadth of experiences needed to provide competent general care” has
been totally ignored by the review’s recommendations to shorten the length of
training. The opinion that training could
not be shortened was also ignored “however,
many respondents warned general specialty training is not necessarily the
shorter training option, particularly in craft or small specialties”. Broadly the consultation was highly flawed,
not only was the response tiny, the vague qualitative responses could be
interpreted in any way the review saw fit according to its preconceived ideas. The consultation summary is much like a religious
text, it is so vague and non specific that it can be interpreted exactly as one’s
preconceived ideas dictate.
Thus overall the evidence review has totally failed to
provide any solid evidence base upon which to justify the massive overhaul of
the structure of medical training as recommended by the review. The confused and almost haphazard way in
which vague questions were posed and not answered doesn’t lead to any kind of
evidence based conclusions of note.
While the review’s keenness to document the opinion of stakeholders as
‘evidence’ and its decision to include the work of potentially biased sources
such as think tanks as ‘evidence’ are arguably highly flawed. This methodologically dubious merging
together of objective published evidence and politically motivated opinion is
suspicious in itself; it has allowed evidence free political dogma to be
accepted as evidence based fact by the review.
In conclusion the review does not give the impression that evidence has
been objectively analysed to meet the long term needs of medical training and
patients. Importantly in this context
the review’s recommendations appear misguided, politically motivated and
evidence free.