The current government's breathtaking ignorance and stupidity never ceases to amaze me, I will shut down this blog when I can no longer point out the rank incompetence and stupidity of the fools in charge on a regular basis, somehow I believe this day will never come, it's just a gut feeling I have.
The economic recklessness and incompetence of this government is currently coming home to roost, as the IMF predict that the UK is to be the most severely affected of all developed countries we should be asking ourselves why? Fat Gordon will continually call the recession a 'global problem', pretending we could have done nothing differently, when in reality he knows that we could have built a much better roof for when the storm came to town.
On the subject of health and the NHS, this government's lack of joined up thinking is demonstrated so regularly I have genuine difficulty keeping up with it, we are bombarded with so much incompetence that it becomes hard to know where to start looking. A recent example has been the health secretary Alan 'postie' Johnson threatening hospitals with fines if they do not get rid of all mixed sex hospital accommodation.
So the government is threatening fines for something that it has caused with its own top down policy making. Hospitals up and down the country have been rebuilt with PFI contracts over this government's reign of terror, strangely as our population goes up and our elderly population expands alongside this, our bed numbers have been falling and falling. Hence the pressure on beds is immense and hospitals simply do not have the spare capacity to afford the luxury of mixed sex wards even if they wanted them.
So not only did these PFI contracts result in a cutting of service capacity by a reduction in bed numbers as private firms fleeced us for as much as they could get, but hospitals have been left in ridiculously expensive contracts which have resulted in many other essential services being cut. The great irony of all this is that the banks that provide a lot of the capital for PFI projects are the very same banks that us, the tax payer, has bailed out to the tune of several billions pounds.
Now not only are we are keeping the banks afloat, but at the same time the very same banks are in effect lending our own money back to us at extortionate rates. This could only happen in Gordon's Britain, and while our big financial institutions are allowed to get away with murder the mighty CMO, Sir Liam Donaldson, is nannying us even more by saying that anyone under 15 should not drink any alcohol at all. Well it's much easier to get a fat civil servant to spout some garbage than actually take on the big business that is arguably one of the root causes of the rise in alcohol abuse in the UK, the mighty supermarkets. Gordon wouldn't want to take on his friends who own the supermarkets though, they help fund his 'party'.
ps at least we can trust Lord Darzi not to cosy up to the private sector behind closed doors before deciding how policy reform is to be planned