Saturday 24 December 2011

Quackery of the lowest form possible - exploiting dying cancer patients

Exploiting those who are dying of cancer for their very last pennies is one of the most contemptible and disgraceful things humanly possible, yet it does not appear to be stopping some 'cancer experts'. The story is of a poor chap with end stage metastatic lung cancer:

"The first of these people is the proprietor of Cancer Options. Cancer Options is a private consultancy offering advice to cancer patients. It is run by Patricia Peat who is a qualified nurse. My dad went to see her and she told him the good news, if he followed her advice he could be tumour free in 3 to 4 years. She advised him to have intravenous vitamin c, to have oxygen therapy, heat therapy and to take a myriad of supplements."

Words fail me. This poor man has been sucked in by this dishonest quackery, he has spent thousands of pounds on unproven nonsense in the vain hope of extending his life, he and his family have been lied to and deceived. I am disgusted and appalled the more I read of the nonsense peddled by these malignant charlatans. High Vitamin C does not prolong life in cancer patients, don't let any quacks tell you otherwise.

The 'cancer experts' at the heart of this scam are nurse Patricia Peat (registered nurse and Dr (not medical) Chris Etheridge. They work together at Cancer Options which they call 'private, cancer consultancy where you can obtain consultancy, research and coaching for all the different cancer treatments and therapies."

Cancer Options, as well as all of Ethergidge's other schemes including Integrated Cancer Healthcare, bear all the classic hallmarks of first class quackery. Firstly neither is a medical doctor, one is a nurse and the other has no medical training at all. Secondly they are clever in the way they have worded their scam, it is all about 'supplementing' and 'complementing' traditional treatments with their integrated hogwash.

The emphasis is on 'herbal remedies', 'diet', 'holistic therapy', 'detoxification', 'supportive regimes', 'natural complementary treatments' and on and on. It is expensive rubbish that will provide no benefit to cancer patients. These first class charlatans are exploiting the sick to make a handsome living, they are beneath contempt.

Spare a thought for the poor man with lung cancer and his family, he has been taken for a ride when at his weakest, he has trusted these Charlatans because no honest individual would pretend he can be cured. This all goes to show just how pathetic the government's regulation of 'complementary' medicine is, no medically qualified practitioner would escape the GMC's wrath for such unethical, immoral and disgraceful practice. It appears routine for companies and quacks to make false claims about their 'alternative' quackery, and nothing is done, the regulation of this dodgy industry is so very limp.

Beware of Charlatans like Peat and Etheridge, if a type of 'medicine' is described as 'complimentary' or 'alternative', then there is a reason for this, it is because there is no decent evidence that it works. One would be better off saving one's money, eating a few leaves from one's garden and keeping well away from this deplorable quackery.


Sam said...

Wishing you a joyful and fruiyful Christmas Garth

Have a peaceful day


Unknown said...

After reading many sites I decided to take a chance on Black Seed Honey and Turmeric remedy to fight uterine cancer. Initially the Ultra sound showing uterine thickness of 21mm and after 4 weeks mums uterine shrunk to 14mm. There is miracle in natural remedy....although nothing is a guarantee. I am hoping to keep going based on my findings on peoples experiences and wishful alternatives.

Unknown said...

After reading many sites I decided to take a chance on Black Seed Honey and Turmeric remedy to fight uterine cancer. Initially the Ultra sound showing uterine thickness of 21mm and after 4 weeks mums uterine shrunk to 14mm. There is miracle in natural remedy....although nothing is a guarantee. I am hoping to keep going based on my findings on peoples experiences and wishful alternatives.

Punit said...

herbal remedies are the best option according to me in last stage.


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